There are three key steps to prepare you and your family for the possibility of having to evacuate in an emergency:

  1. Create a Wildfire Action Plan.
  2. Put together an Emergency Supply Kit.
  3. Fill out a family communication plan.

Wildfire Action Plan Checklist

  • Make an evacuation plan that includes:
    • A designated spot to meet outside the fire or dangerous area. You will need this to determine who has safely evacuated.
    • A few different evacuation routes from your home and community.  These should be practiced often to familiarize yourself in case of an emergency.
    • Designate a friend or family member to be the point-of-contact who lives out of the area to act as a source of communication in case of separation.
  • Be Ready
    • Always have fire extinguishers and train you and your family on how to use them. (Be sure to check expiration dates.)
    • Confirm that you and your family know where the gas, electric, and water main controls are located and how to safely turn them off.
    • Plan ahead which outdoor source of water to use in case of an emergency.
    • Make a list of emergency contact numbers to keep nearby and another to keep in your emergency supply kit.
    • Have a portable radio to stay updated on the fire.
    • Turn on notifications from emergency alert systems, such as the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS), to be notified quickly.
    • If possible, build your home with fire-resistant materials.
    • Keep the area within 30 feet around your home clean of any flammable materials (vegetation, debris, etc.).

Family Communication Plan

Please be sure to fill out the family communication plan below which will allow you to easily access important information in case you get separated. Always keep one copy nearby and another in your emergency supply kit.